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Thank you for your interest in PVSR. Please fill the form bellow and we will came back to you with a draft pricing quote.

Our licensing model is very simple: In PVSR every monitored “entity” (e.g. server, network device) has a License Point value, which is calculated according to its type. The sum number of License Points shall be purchased to cover the monitored environment. You can check out the details here.

    Your First name

    Your Last name

    Your Email Address


    Your Company

    Entities you want to monitor

    Monitored entity Definition Number of monitored entities
    Generic SNMP device Number of physical or virtual routers, switches, blade chassis, SAN switch, UPS or any SNMP capable device
    Netflow/IPFIX source The number of routers sending Netflow/IPFIX records
    Virtualization: Host Number of physical hosts running virtualization which the customer wants to monitor as individual entities
    Virtualization: Guest Number of virtualized operating systems where the customer wants to monitor it as virtualized system (as well)
    Storage Number of physical storages with independent controller card
    Linux/Unix server Number of physical or virtualized servers running Linux, Unix (AIX, Solaris,  HP-UX, zLinux) operating systems where the customer wants detailed operating level monitoring using SSH
    Windows server Number of physical or virtualized servers running Windows operating systems where the customer wants detailed operating level monitoring using WMI. This license includes MS IIS, Exchange, Sharepoint and Lync monitoring as well
    Database instance Number of Oracle, MS SQL, MySQL, Postrgress instances, i.e. how many database connections are needed to monitor the systems. For example an Oracle single instance with ten schemas counts only as one  and an MS SQL or MySQL system with five "databases" also counts as one license, but an Oracle Real Application Cluster with two nodes counts as two
    J2EE application server Number of Java application server instances. In case of a cluster the number of cluster nodes
    Thick client synthetic transaction recording Number of thick client business application end-user transaction simulation scripts. For example if the customer wants to run 5 test scripts on a thin client application and he wants to test the application from three different locations (offices, …) then it counts as 15
    Base IT infrastructure service synthetic test Number of DNS, DHCP, LDAP, Active Directory and RADIUS servers

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